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  • Digitale anatomiske illustrationer

    Digital anatomical illustrations

    With eAnatomi and our new offer of digital anatomical illustrations, you can now legally acquire a license to upgrade your digital communication, regardless of whether it is for educational use,...

    Digital anatomical illustrations

    With eAnatomi and our new offer of digital anatomical illustrations, you can now legally acquire a license to upgrade your digital communication, regardless of whether it is for educational use,...

  • Anatomical Chart Company - ændrer formatet

    Anatomical Chart Company - changes the format

    Anatomical Chart Company har i 2023 besluttet af udfase papirvarianten for fremover kun at levere den let laminerede version med ringhuller.  Dette betyder at det ikke længere bliver muligt, at...

    Anatomical Chart Company - changes the format

    Anatomical Chart Company har i 2023 besluttet af udfase papirvarianten for fremover kun at levere den let laminerede version med ringhuller.  Dette betyder at det ikke længere bliver muligt, at...

  • Hjertemodellens plads i undervisningen & forklaringen

    The heart model's place in teaching & expla...

    Teachers, professionals and other mediators can easily be challenged when they have to explain the anatomy and diseases of the heart.

    The heart model's place in teaching & expla...

    Teachers, professionals and other mediators can easily be challenged when they have to explain the anatomy and diseases of the heart.

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